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The Emotion Code: How to Release Your Trapped Emotions for Abundant Health, Love, and Happiness (Updated and Expanded)

by Dr. Bradley Nelson

Our cells are made up of molecules, which are made up of atoms. Atoms are made up of subatomic particles that carry an electrical charge. Every moment energy is being taken in and emitted, or transferred. The sun, for instance, provides energy to plants. The energy in the plants is transferred to our cells when we eat them. The cells then use the energy in the metabolic processes needed to keep us alive.

All of the cells, tissues, and organs in the body are interconnected. What happens in one area will have an affect on another, including our emotions. Our thoughts, feelings, and emotions create a physiological response that may affect heart rate, breathing, digestion, and other functions. They affect the movement of energy in our body.

Emotions that we hold on to, even subconsciously, can have long term effects on our health and can contribute to the development of disease.

In the book The Emotion Code, Dr. Bradley Nelson further explains these “trapped emotions;” the term he uses for emotions that do not process completely. The energy associated with the emotion remains within the body, where it can cause potential harm in the form of physical ailments and self-sabotaging behavior.

We may struggle to release these emotions and their energies because they may be buried into our subconscious. The method of the Emotion Code begins with building self-awareness by working with the body to identify what might be holding you back and why. Techniques such as muscle testing are used for this process and are explained in the book. Only by acknowledging that the trapped emotions exist can one begin releasing them.

To help the releasing process, Dr. Bradley Nelson uses magnets. The energy of the magnets helps stimulate that in the body. Magnets are not a requirement, but, according to Dr. Nelson, help magnify the power of our intention, since our thoughts are also a form of energy.

The Emotion Code method is based on energy medicine. Energy medicine refers to the study and use of therapies and techniques for the purpose of manipulating and balancing the energy fields of the body to promote the proper flow of energy into cells and organs. The balance of energy helps maintain vitality of our body’s systems.

Case studies are included throughout the book, demonstrating the use and effectiveness of the method. The method is versatile and can also be used for distance healing and animals.

The first edition of The Emotion Code was a more recent addition to our library of healing material. While we have always been aware of the influence of our emotions on our health, this book helped us realize just how much of an impact our emotional state can have.

Events in the past that we may believe we have moved on from may still have a significant effect on our body, and the only way of knowing is to access our subconsciousness. Our body tends to be capable of more than we know, and we can reach a higher level of healing if we learn to establish a deeper connection with our inner thoughts and processes

In certain cases, it may feel like our attempts at eating healthy and exercising fall short. We may still be experiencing health issues, and we may wonder what the point is in trying if we can’t seem to move ahead. The information in the Emotion Code suggests a possible solution. If we have made every change we can think of in our diet and lifestyle and still aren’t achieving the results we want in our health, then maybe the issue is what lies within, in our past experiences and emotional baggage.

The Emotion Code is recommended for those who want to look into the impact that our past experiences and emotions can have on our health, and how we can go about releasing the associated energy in order to promote healing.

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The image shown on this page is of the copy we currently have in our collection, the first edition. The link leads to a newer, updated version.

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