Nurture your body


Butterfly Flower

The body is an amazing, complex creation. Even with today’s advancements in technology, we have only skimmed the surface of what the body is capable of.

Every day it is hard at work processing our senses, emotions, and thoughts; repairing bones, tissues, muscles, and DNA; protecting us against viruses, bacteria, and other toxins; replacing old, damaged cells with new ones; and making new connections between neurons (nerve cells).

We can hinder the body’s healing process, or we can help it through using the right information, nutrition, and tools. Eternity: Health for Life is dedicated toward providing you with this quality information and products to help you provide your body what it needs.

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The first edition of The China Study was one of the books that had a major impact on our diet and lifestyle in the beginning of our healing journey. It shed light on many misconceptions regarding nutrition and the role it plays on our health. 

For instance, it was this book that made us reconsider what we thought we knew about protein and calcium. read more

The China Study helped push our health journey into a new and better direction, but it was the information presented by Dr. Gabriel Cousens that took us that step further.

Diabetes is a group of metabolic diseases characterized by consistently high blood glucose (blood sugar) levels. The high blood glucose is the result of either inadequate insulin production or the body’s inability to properly use insulin. read more

Our cells are made up of molecules, which are made up of atoms. Atoms are made up of subatomic particles that carry an electrical charge. Every moment energy is being taken in and emitted, or transferred. The sun, for instance, provides energy to plants. The energy in the plants is transferred to our cells when we eat them. The cells then use the energy in the metabolic processes needed to keep us alive. read more